Small Briquetting Plant
Small briquetting plant is designed for the manufacture or factory of small scale briquettes, solid fuel, from biomass, agriculture and forestry wastes. The briquette technology uses high mechanical pressure with no binders and chemicals applied.Briquetting Plant in India and Thailand
Despite the concerted efforts by the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) to promote briquette technology through financing some projects, little success has been achieved. The plants use screw briquetting press or piston presses for briquette manufacture purposes. The main challenges to efficient utilization of briquetting equipment have been:- A lack of understanding of biomass characteristics
- Technical flaws. The technical flaws have impacted on the design characteristics of plant thereby derailing their efficiency.
- Educating entrepreneurs about the briquette technology.
- Holding regular meetings with the entrepreneurs at different levels.
- Providing back-up technical services for the plants
Biomass Briquetting Project Implementation
Biomass briquetting project implementation takes the following steps:- Financial resource mobilization, which comes after a decision is arrived at to set up the plant.
- Setting up the production unit.
The starting point is to approach the briquette machine manufacturer to get a firm quotation for the plant and machinery. Once the price is received, the work of setting up the plant should be entrusted to a Project Management and Execution Company (PEC) on a turnkey basis. PEC will guarantee the entrepreneur an efficient production rate.
ABC Machinery is a reliable manufacturer with years of experiences in designing and manufacturing briquetting machinery and plant. We can offer more than quality equipments for a complete biomass briquetting plant, What's more, we are also specialized in project management including project design, debugging and instaling both small briquetting plant and large briquette production line, which can save your time and cost for finding a extra PEC.
The most widely manufactured briquetting equipment is of the standard type, with an exception of the preheater and briquette machines.
To save initial costs, most entrepreneurs have opted to procure poorly fabricated ancillary equipment. This move has resulted in a low performance of the briquetting plants.But reliable briquetting machinery manufacturer can provide the services on a turnkey basis.